How to make money online by youtube - PAID INSURANCE

How to make money online by youtube

Making money by youtube full process with step by step and also provide how to make a youtube compatible video and music –

Hello friends, today we will tell you how to earn money from youtube as well as how to make videos so that you can earn more money and how to rank this topic will be talked about, this is a very small process and by working with it for 2 to 3 hours a day, you will earn a lot.  You can earn good money, in the initial phase of creating a channel, there will not be much traffic, you will not earn much, but once you are ranked, you will feel very good as well as once ranked then private company gives you paid promotion.  can earn more money by promotion.

In YouTube, we want to tell you what to do from the beginning, so read the blog completely-

1-First of all you have to go to google search, there you have to search google signup, then setup by entering name and email as well as enter mobile number, then code will come in your mobile, you have to enter that code in google then sly verification will be done.

2- Now you can set your address in your Google account, also set the country, after that set a photo icon, this account will be useful everywhere like Gmail, YouTube and Google account.

3-Earning money is now even easier, now your all account is ready, you just have to install YouTube and after installing you have to login by going to the settings, mostly it gets automatic login.

4-Now you have to go to Google search and search Google Adsense and after opening further, you have to login to that website, after login, you will have to wait some time, then your account will be activated in one to two days but it is only Google Adsense account.  YouTube will not be activated, will not be monetized.

5-This is the main process of earning money, this is the final process and through this you can earn money, which will be earned in US dollars, then you can understand how the earning will be done.
                 You have to put a lot of videos and there should not be any kind of copyright in the video and music and also there should not be any kind of privacy violation and all the videos together should have 4000 hours watch hour if you do all this process successfully.  Then you will start showing adsense company ads and at the same time you will start earning.

6-In the last step, you have to do Google’s verification, which can be easily verified, any government id proof can be used in this, except for Aadhar card.  After id card verification google sends a pin code to your address then the account gets activated then you can earn thousands along with lakhs

How to make videos

To earn money, you have to make user friendly videos as well as trending videos that are in demand, then only views will come on the videos and advertisements will be shown, you will get money from these advertisements.
                          Whatever video you make, make a video in landscape mode and while uploading the video, keep in mind that the video is uploaded in good quality.
                           After making a video, it is very important to give a tag to the video because people who search the video from the tag will show the video from that topic and also you will have to monetize the video.
                           You have to take good care of one thing and you have to check that whatever video or music you upload, it is not in copyright or else it may infect you earning and earning may also be disabled.
                            In the play store you get many free and 4 pad version applications, so that you can easily make videos, you will also have to learn to make videos and there is a delay in learning just once, then you can make videos very easily in less time and  You can earn up to lakhs of rupees in a month

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