what is car insurance,how to apply online car insurance - PAID INSURANCE

what is car insurance,how to apply online car insurance

Hello friends, today we are going to tell you about car insurance, what is car insurance, why insurance is important and how you can do online car insurance, we will also tell you about the benefits of car insurance.

Now we know about car insurance, what is it, friends, if a car accident happens in car insurance, then the insurance company has to compensate for the loss of that car, as well as the cost of treatment and death.  Pay compensation is given by the insurance company.

How can you get car insurance, then for this you can get insurance through both offline or online, if you want to get it done offline then you can get insurance by going to the car agency or insurance agency direct or you can get insurance from any broker or agent.  You can also take help to get your car insurance done.

If you want to get car insurance online, then you can register by visiting the official website of the insurance company or today we will tell you about 2 best companies from where you can buy insurance, first is paytm insurance and second is both policy market.  The site is considered very good for insuring, so consider both of them in turn.

To do insurance from paytm, we have to login by installing paytm app and need full kyc then after that we have to go to car insurance section after that enter car number then car details by paytm you will see owner name and chassis number  Then on clicking Next, you will see many insurance packages, you can select the package according to your wish.

In the second method of online car insurance, we will use the policy market website, there are different types of policies and insurance, now the user uses them more and it gives the option to choose several insurance companies at once.  Go to the market website and get yourself registered there, after that find the service you want, the car insurance service you take, now after that we have to enter the number of the car, after that the details of the car will start showing in the website and different  The charges of the insurance company will be seen that which company is taking how much money, when you join that company, you will see a lot of package, then buy a good insurance plan only after reading it thoroughly.

Benefit of car insurance

As we know that a car is a very expensive item and at the same time it is also fatal, you would have bought the car anyway by paying a lot of money, now you get a lot of damage due to the accident again and at the same time.  If someone dies or gets seriously injured in the car, it costs a lot, so a scheme like insurance is run.

1.If there is an accident in our car, then the insurance company compensates for the construction of the car, then to avoid the expenses due to the accident, then definitely get the insurance done.

2.If someone is seriously injured or killed in a car accident, then all their money has to be given to the insurance companies because lakhs are spent in the name of treatment, so insurance is necessary if with this you hit someone with your car and  The insurance company has to bear all the cost of his death or treatment.

3.If the car is damaged due to a natural calamity in the car or the car is stolen or vandalized or set on fire, then the insurance company has to bear the cost.

4.By doing insurance, the family is safe, on death, the family members get money, then their suffering is reduced a bit.

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