Life insurance benefit should be known everyone
The following types of advances are given to the Insurance Representative of Life Insurance Corporation of India. Which are as follows.

1. festival advance
2. Natural Disaster Advance
3. Two/Four Wheeler Advance
4. Computer Advance
5. furniture advance
6. Accommodation Salt Advance
7. Marriage advance is given as follows. ,
These advances are given free of cost to various club members. ,
1. Festival Advance :- This advance is given after completing
2 full agency years. In addition, a festival advance is given for a single sana in the calendar year. ,
if not completed by an insurance agent
After 5 years of service, he is given a festival advance on the guarantee of a confirmed employee.
This advance is recovered in 10 monthly instalments. To get this advance, it is necessary to
6 lakh insurance business with 12 lives in the last agency year. ,
this is advance
Rupee. 15000/-,*
Rupee. 20,000/-*
Paid from DM to CM club member. ,
Rs.22,000/- for Galaxy Club and Rs.30,000/- for Corporate Club without interest.
Insurance – Representatives who have completed 5 years but are not club members will get Rs. 10,000/-.
7,000/- Festival Advance is given to Insurance Representatives who complete 2 full agency years and demand Festival Advance. ,
Natural Calamity Advance:- This advance is paid to your insurance representative in the same way as it is paid to the employee who is still in the job. ,
The maximum loss is incurred or the renewal commission of the previous year or Rs. 50,000/- is paid. ,
Two / Four Wheeler Advance :- This advance is given to all Club Member Insurance Representatives. ,
BM & DM :- Two Wheeler :- Full Show Room Price
ZM and CM:
Two Wheeler :- Full Show Room Price,
For Four Wheeler Z M:- Rs. 500,000/- For CM Club :- Rs. 600,000/-
For Galaxy Club Rs. For the first time ever, CM Club member will get Rs. Also the second and later
Four wheeler advance of Rs. 7,50,000/- is given. ,
Computer Advance :- This advance is given to CM Club member only.
Full purchase price or 1,00,000/- or last year’s renewal commission
Whichever is less will be paid.
This advance is given under office equipment to the rest of the club members. ,
Furniture Advance: This advance is given to all club members. Last year’s renewal commission or Rs. 200,000/- whichever is less is given as advance. ,
Advance given for construction of house :-
This advance is given to member insurance representatives of DM Club and Apex Club.
Minimum Rs. 900,000/- to Rs. 28,00,000/- 5% is paid. Advance of 9% and half with a minimum of Rs. on is given. 1100000/- to Rs. 3200000/-. ,
Marriage Advance:- This advance is given for the marriage of self, daughter, son and dependent sister.
All expenses are paid less or the renewal commission for the previous year.
This advance is paid along with interest. This advance is given for the first two terms at 9% interest. ,
It is given up to 5 times in advance and subsequently at 12% interest. ,