pritamkurrey111, Author at PAID INSURANCE - Page 12 of 15

Author: pritamkurrey111

Elasticity of Demand

The concept of elasticity of demand is generally associated with the name of Alfred Marshall who had done much to develop it. Law of Demand explains the direction of change in demand. A fall...

Measurement of Profit

The difference between accounted profit and finan- cial profit makes measurement of profit complicated. The question arises as to what to include in opportunity cost and what not to. Measurement of profits is not...

Nature of Profit

The nature of profit has been a very complicated and difficult problem for economists to solve. In the last stages of the 19th century Prof. Taussig had called it a form of mixed and...

Average cost of car insurance

How much is car insurance for the average American? What is the average car insurance rate by age and gender?We pulled data from several top sources for car insurance data to get the answers....

Estimates Financial planning

Estimates Financial planning Finance is one of the basic prerequisites to start a new project. It is the availability of finance that facilitates an entrepreneur to bring together all the other factors of production...

Financial Institutions Assisting industrialists

Financial Institutions Assisting industrialists Began in 1948 with the establishment of Indian Finance CorIn India the task of constituting financial institutions poration. Since then the government has set up many specific about 70 specific...