pritamkurrey111, Author at PAID INSURANCE - Page 8 of 15

Author: pritamkurrey111

Exceptions to the Law of Demand

Exceptions to the Law of Demand Exceptions to the Law of Demand refer to those circumstances and reasons in which this law does not apply. In other words, there are certain circumstances in which...

Law of Demand

Law of Demand The law of demand is one of the fundamental laws of economics. The law of demand explains the relationship between the price and demand of a commodity. It is a matter...

Types of demand

Types of demand (i) Demand for consumer goods and producer goods- Consumer goods are those final goods which directly satisfy the needs of the consumer. Such goods are: bread, milk, clothes, furniture etc. Capital...

Theory and Nature of Demand

Theory and Nature of Demand The theory of demand plays an important role in business decision making. In every business firm, there are many issues on which the executives have to take decisions such...

Shackle’s Profit Theory

Shackle’s Profit Theory Professor Shackle has extended Prof. Knight’s theory by introducing expectations under conditions of uncertainty. According to Shackle, expectations are of two types: general and specific. General expectations relate to general variables...

Profit Theory of Bearing Uncertainty

Profit Theory of Bearing Uncertainty Professor Frank H. Knight considers profit as the reward for bearing those risks and uncertainties which cannot be insured. He distinguishes between insurable and uninsurable risks. Some risks can...

Profit Theory – Risk

Profit Theory – Risk The risk theory of profit is associated with the name of F.B. Holley, who considers risk taking to be the main function of the entrepreneur. Profit is the residual income...